Facebook Marketplace Request Review In 2022(Updated)

September 5, 2022 by No Comments

First, what is the Facebook marketplace request review?

The ability to sell products on Facebook is currently subject to a number of restrictions, but if you abide by these rules, your access to the Marketplace will undoubtedly be reinstated.

There are a few different types of errors that users of the marketplace encounter, and there are various causes for why your Facebook marketplace may not be accessible.

Please continue reading for more information about the Facebook Marketplace Request Review.

Selling On Facebook Marketplace Review

Facebook is regarded as the second-most important review site online, right after Google My Business. And for good reason!

Gain the trust of customers, both old and new Customers increasingly use social media platforms, with Facebook continuing to be one of the most dependable. As a form of social proof, other customer testimonials can help your clients determine the legitimacy of your company.

Where Can You Find The Facebook Marketplace Option?

Your Facebook should have a marketplace option, which you should search for in the settings or sidebar, as the first thing you should do. For example, if you can find the option but then it displays any errors, then this needs to be fixed; however, if you just want to find the option, then let’s follow some simple steps.

For Desktop:

In order to access the marketplace from your desktop:

Step 1: Open Facebook in your browser first, and then simply scan the sidebar.

Step 2: There on the sidebar would be the “Marketplace” option.’

the Facebook mobile application

If you want to view the Marketplace option on the mobile app, all you need to do is click the “three lines” icon.

Step 1: Open the Facebook app on your phone first.

Step 2: Then click or tap the “three lines” icon in the top right corner.

Step 3: In the list of items, the Marketplace option would be noticeable.

Step 4: Simply tap it to open a new tab with all the features.

Facebook Marketplace Request Review In 2022(Updated)
Facebook Marketplace Request Review In 2022(Updated)

Why Don’t You Have Access To The Marketplace?

If you’re selling something on Facebook through the marketplace but only have limited access there, there could be a number of causes for this.

Your Marketplace may be blocked if you have broken any rules or are under the legal age limit.

Let’s examine the causes in more detail:

Your Browser Failed

This is a desktop-based problem that you can try to resolve by simply refreshing the browser window. You can simply try another browser, such as Internet Explorer, if your browser typically does not execute specific HTML on the web. chrome.

The Marketplace Is Deleted By Facebook

If you use an unsupported language or haven’t used the Marketplace in a while, this might be possible.

There are additional reasons for blocking access to the Facebook Marketplace, such as selling restricted goods there or breaking any of the rules there. If you do either of these things, your access to the Marketplace may also be limited or blocked.

Age Is An Issue

Your Marketplace account may be locked until you reach the required age and submit a review request if you have not yet reached the age requirement to create and sell items on the marketplace.

Mostly, these are the main reasons that create Marketplace to be blocked from access.

Three stages of review are involved, and if two of them result in your restoration being rejected, your Marketplace will be permanently blocked.

To ask for a review of the error message, simply tap.

You will be informed of any changes that might be necessary following the review of the first one, and once those have been made, you can simply move on to the next review.

The decision is now final, and you will be informed whether or not your marketplace is reinstated.

For instance, if you notice that it hasn’t recovered after the third review, the block may remain for good.

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How Do Reviews Of Sellers Function On Facebook Marketplace?

Only the Facebook for iPhone or Android app offers seller reviews. You cannot review sellers from a computer or mobile browser.

After making a purchase through Facebook Marketplace, buyers can type and post comments about the individual sellers they dealt with.

You can view a seller’s reviews in both their commerce profile and the specific listing to which they are related.

Please be aware that we do not confirm whether or not every person who posts seller reviews has actually bought a product from the seller that they are reviewing.

How do I rate an online merchant?

You can write a review about an individual seller from the listing you purchased, or from your messages with them.


  • Once your review is public, you will no longer be able to edit it. Your review may be deleted whenever you want.
  • Reviews can be responded to by sellers. You won’t be able to respond to a seller’s response if they decide to do so after reading your review.
  • You won’t be able to post another review of that seller for the same transaction if you delete your seller review (before or after the seller replies).
  • Your review will not be available to the public if you choose to block a seller after publishing one.

Review from inbox

From your messages, you can review a seller by writing:

  • From Feed, tap Menu in the top right of Facebook.
  • Tap marketplaceMarketplace. If you can’t see marketplaceMarketplace, tap See more.
  • Tap , then tap Inbox.
  • From your messages with the seller you want to review, tap Review seller below their name.

Review from listing

If you bought a listing, you can leave feedback for the seller by doing the following:

  • From the listing you purchased, scroll down to Seller information.
  • Tap Review seller next to the seller’s name.

How can I request that buyers review me?

If a customer hasn’t left a review, the seller may be able to ask them to do so through their commerce profile, their product page, their listing inventory page, or in a chat thread.


The Facebook marketplace request review was the main topic of the post. If you have any problems with Facebook marketplace request review, please leave a comment. As soon as I identify the issue, I will respond right away. We appreciate you reading.