Fix 0 Views on TikTok: Try Essential Tips

December 28, 2022 by No Comments

Here are the essential tips on how to fix 0 views on TikTok:

  • Community Guidelines Violations
  • Copyright Infringement / Reposts
  • Use a VPN
  • Shadowbans
  • Poor Trust Signals
  • Poor Video Quality
  • Your Video is under Review
  • Banned Items
  • Swear / Banned Words
  • You’re Unlucky

Well, nothing is more annoying than spending time creating a high-quality video and uploading it to TikTok only to receive 0 views. Actually, we can ensure that 0 views always represent a bug because of how the TikTok algorithm operates. And this error will occur sooner or later. We will explain why you receive no views on TikTok in this article and provide 5 suggestions to assist you in resolving the issue.

Ways to Fix the TikTok 0 Views Glitch

There are a variety of reasons, some good and some bad, why your video might be stuck at 0 views. You can influence some of these and can’t influence others.

You can take the necessary steps to try and fix the issue by fully understanding what TikTok is doing wrong and why it won’t distribute your video.

Please take note that even one of these can stop a video from being pushed to users’ For You or Following feeds. As soon as your video is uploaded, TikTok uses artificial intelligence to scan its contents. As a result, they can detect errors in your work before anyone else does.

We can start now that you are aware of this.

Community Guidelines Violations

This is the big one.

Before your video is even shown to anyone, TikTok starts checking it for violations of the community standards. And regrettably, their automated system doesn’t always get things right.

a little too much skin exposure? Even if it was only your arm in the video, TikTok might interpret it as nudity.

Play jokes with your friends? If you make the wrong movements, TikTok’s computer program might interpret you as fighting.

TikTok’s community guidelines are quite lengthy, but here are a few that people are commonly breaking:

  • Violence or violent behavior
  • Nudity or sexual content
  • Racist, sexist, or other types of content that target groups of people
  • Misinformation
  • Scams
  • Spam
  • illicit substances, such as alcohol, cigarettes, and vaping.)

It should be noted that videos may be completely removed if TikTok determines they violate community standards.

Normally at this point, they will notify you via the TikTok app and provide an explanation. Thank goodness, you can appeal. Note that filing an appeal can take some time however, and you shouldn’t delete or reupload the video until the appeals process is completed.

Copyright Infringement / Reposts

One area where YouTube and TikTok diverge is in this.

You can get away with using small portions of other people’s content on YouTube.

If you use someone else’s content on TikTok in a way other than a duet, your video may get stuck at 0 views.

This covers the use of illegally downloaded movies, TV shows, music, YouTube videos, or other copyrighted media.

In fact, when I attempted to incorporate a passage from a Steve Jobs speech into one of my videos, I first encountered the 0 views glitch. Despite being my highest quality video to date, it never got past 0 views because of the copyrighted content.

Since the removal of the copyrighted content is the only solution, TikTok takes this issue very seriously.

If you’ve observed others on your For You page getting away with it, realize that this is the exception rather than the rule. While some users manage to evade TikTok’s automated system, the majority of users see their videos remain at 0 views indefinitely with no chance of them ever becoming popular.

Reposting other people’s TikToks, including your own without modification, may also result in little to no views.

Use a VPN

Although it is possible to connect to TikTok using a VPN, it isn’t really a good idea, especially if you intend to create your own TikToks.

By connecting to a different server and masking your IP address, a VPN can make it appear as though you’re in another country.

Everyone else who makes use of the VPN service also shares this same server.

But there are some issues with this.

First of all, there are others who also use the VPN server, and they may have previously used it to violate TikTok’s rules. Because they were using a VPN, other users’ bad TikTok behavior may have affected you, and you have no way of knowing what they did.

It is also regarded as suspicious behavior, in the second place. Most people don’t need a VPN to access TikTok or upload videos.

Although there are many justifiable reasons to use VPNs, TikTok might worry that you’re doing it to avoid a ban or make it harder for it to find you.

If you uploaded a video while using a VPN service, TikTok might keep track of the fact that it has no views.


You run the risk of being shadowbanned if your video has no views at all.

Regular bans and shadowbans are very different from one another. TikTok may completely hide your account from public view rather than outright prohibiting you from using the app.

You might occasionally only be prohibited from using one particular feature. For example, if you follow people excessively, you may be blocked from following for a period of time while also having your videos suppressed.

Some actions that can cause shadowbans on TikTok include:

  • Posting and reposting the same TikToks repeatedly
  • Spam liking
  • Following too many people
  • The use of automation or bots
  • Inappropriate comments left on other people’s posts
  • Violating community guidelines
  • Posting shocking or offensive content

Sadly, it can be challenging to determine whether the 0 views glitch was brought on by a shadowban. However, if you are shadowbanned, it should affect all of the new videos that you publish until the shadowban is up.

The majority of shadowbans are brief and disappear within a week. Therefore, it is best to just be patient and wait for it to end if you think you have been shadowbanned.

Poor Trust Signals

When deciding whether or not to distribute your video, TikTok probably considers your entire account.

It would therefore make the most sense for them to scrutinize new accounts more closely, especially if they are starting to post videos for the first time.

TikTok wants to ensure that newly created accounts are reliable and aren’t immediately used for spam or other illegal activity. Because those who create these accounts are aware that they will be quickly banned, they try to cause the most harm in the shortest amount of time.

Some things you can do to make your account look more trustworthy include:

  • Before you start posting your own videos to TikTok, spend some time actually browsing the platform.
  • making your first videos within the TikTok app.
  • uploading a profile photo.
  • Observing a few accounts that catch your attention.
  • not releasing your first video for a few days.
  • Avoid buying phony followers or using apps to artificially increase your following.
  • Write a bio.
  • Avert posting many TikToks quickly one after the other. Spread them out and aim to initially publish no more than 5–6 per day.
  • submitting the video to TikTok first, then to sites like YouTube Shorts or Instagram Reels.

All of these actions support your case to TikTok that you are a real person, not a fake account or a bot.

Fix 0 Views on TikTok Try Essential Tips
Fix 0 Views on TikTok: Try Essential Tips

Poor Video Quality

It should go without saying that the better your TikTok videos are, the more likely it is that they will be successful on the platform.

Even though they won’t likely get very many views, videos that are blurry or of extremely low quality should still get at least a few.

There is no shortage of high-quality video to show people. Therefore, low-quality videos might only get a lot of exposure if they are very engaging and get a lot of positive feedback at first.

Even low-quality videos shouldn’t stay unwatched, so it’s important to learn how to make yours better.

Fortunately, you can accomplish this without purchasing a new phone or camera.

Your Video is under Review

Your TikTok may be being reviewed if it is stuck at 0 views.

Before any video is sent to a user’s For You page, it can be submitted for review. The video will be reviewed if TikTok’s automated system suspects something might be off and needs a human moderator to double-check.

Reviews on TikTok typically take up to 48 hours, but they can occasionally take longer. Other times, they might occur quickly.

If the video is accepted, it will be regularly distributed to users’ For You pages. If it’s removed for a community guidelines violation, you have the chance to appeal it.

Try sharing it to see if that helps you determine whether your video is being reviewed.

The share buttons won’t appear when you go to share your TikTok (or you’ll receive a message saying it can’t be shared), which indicates that it’s being reviewed.

You should still be able to share it with others even if it’s being suppressed for another reason as long as it hasn’t been taken down.

Banned Items

Many people are unaware that TikTok has a list of prohibited items that could cause your video to be deleted or even result in a violation of the community guidelines.)

Even with these items in the background, the video can be suppressed without having to make them the main subject.

Using data from TikTok’s community guidelines as well as leaked company documents published by the The Intercept, some items that may lead to suppression include:

  • Drug paraphernalia (such as bongs or vape pens)
  • Firearms or other weapons
  • Naked dolls
  • Swimsuits or bikinis outside of a swimming setting
  • Bows
  • Scissors
  • Knives
  • Swastikas or other Nazi memorabilia
  • Female nipples poking through clothes
  • Adult toys
  • Anything promoting harmful websites

According to reports from TikTok users, as soon as the prohibited item was removed and the video was reposted, it started receiving views just like any other TikTok.

Swear / Banned Words

Did you know that swearing causes your TikTok videos to be deleted?

This also applies to things like the TikTok captions, hashtags, and any stickers used in the video, which explains why you frequently see people substituting zeros for Os or changing words entirely.

Swearing doesn’t appear to guarantee that your video will get no views, but it could be one of many criteria TikTok considers when deciding who to show your video to.

On my For You page, I frequently come across videos that contain profanity but still function perfectly.

If you want to reach as many people as you can, it is best to avoid using swear words or other derogatory language. This also includes other offensive language, such as sexist or disparaging remarks.

You’re Unlucky

A few videos simply have glitches in them for no apparent reason, to finish.

We can only speculate at this time.

You may not know what was wrong, but TikTok’s automated scanning system may have found it.

It’s possible that someone else on your network broke a rule, and that violation somehow found its way to you.

We simply cannot know for sure. And yet, despite doing everything right, making a concerted effort to not break any rules, and generally acting like model citizens, some people seem to always have 0 views.

At this point, you may consider sending TikTok a support ticket to inquire, and see what you can learn.

If you’d like, you can also share your TikTok profile in the comment section below this article. I’d be happy to take a look and see if I can spot anything.

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What is TikTok 0 Views Bug?

if you are uploading videos that you did not make. As a result, the videos will appear to have no views on TikTok because the app will prevent them from being uploaded. You might experience 0 views even though the content you’re uploading is entirely original and your own work.

Why Does Your TikTok Get 0 Views?

Here are a few factors that may help to explain why you have no views on TikTok. Sometimes this is due to the low viewership of your earlier videos. Or perhaps you strayed from the TikTok algorithm. Nevertheless, I think your videos can receive a lot of engagement in the future once we’ve solved these issues. Let’s examine each of the causes in turn.

  • Because it is new, TikTok’s algorithms have not yet trusted your account.
  • Your TikTok content is offensive or sensitive politically.
  • The content you upload to TikTok is not original to you and may even be a copy of someone else’s. Infringing on copyright is what this indicates you are doing.
  • Nobody wants to watch your videos because of the poor quality, uninteresting, or incomplete content.
  • Your TikTok account failed because one of your accounts shared a phone number.
  • We’re looking at your videos for some other factors.

Knowing the potential causes will help you identify the less likely explanations for your lack of views on TikTok. For instance, you have a large number of videos uploaded without a clear niche in mind. Or there may be a bug on TikTok that prevents it from tracking the number of views on your videos.

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Why Does My TikTok Have 0 Views But Has Likes?

If your TikTok video has 0 views but it is accumulating likes, it means that you have been hit by what TikTokers infamously call the “TikTok views glitch.” Your video’s view count on TikTok is stuck at 0 because, it appears, a bug is preventing the views from being updated.

You can try the standard troubleshooting techniques, like killing and restarting the app, rebooting your smartphone, and clearing the app cache, to resolve the problem. You can wait for the problem to go away if it continues. Your only choice is to speak with TikTok support if the problem does not get fixed.


TikTok 0 views is a problem that many new creators encounter. Therefore, if your TikTok videos are stuck at 0 views, one of the aforementioned causes could be to blame. Just keep in mind that a bug is always 0 views. You can then make the necessary adjustments to better your chances of getting TikTok video views once you are aware of this. I’m hoping this article will be useful to you. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by leaving comments on our websites if you have any questions.


How Do I Fix Zero Views on TikTok?

Determine the cause of your TikTok videos’ absence from the platform as a first step. After getting that, you can use this guide to find the best solution for your video content issues.

Why Are My TikTok Videos Not Getting Views?

TikTok’s algorithm will detect plagiarism if you upload content that belongs to someone else but is actually created by you. To get views on TikTok, you must upload original content. You can solve other issues by using this guide on TikTok videos with 0 views.

How Do I Get My TikTok Videos Viewed?

To increase your TikTok views, you can try a variety of strategies. Use of the appropriate hashtags, valuable content, a storytelling strategy, and how-to videos are a few of the techniques.
